[The original url is: http://www.klets.com/ets/etserversetup.htm] ENEMY TERRITORY SERVER SETUP ON WINDOWS 2003 SERVER WITH GAME STATS ON A OTHER WEB SERVER. Guido G. Witte guido@klets.com www.klets.com guido@forestbergen.com www.forestbergen.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This might be useful to you, to create a server with stats on Windows 2003 server. ET SERVER SETUP: 1. install Windows 2003 server (Windows 2000 server crashes ET) 2. install Enemy Territory with latest updates in dir c:\et01 3. install ET Pro 4. install ActivePerl (or latest ver.) 5. share dir's c:\et01\etpro (for the et01.log) and c:\et01\pb (for the sv_cheat.log) 6. add the next line to your server.cfg: set g_log "ET01.log" 7. make a text file with line: print " 0:00 TIME:" . time() . "\n"; and save it: c:\et01\fixdate.pl Or download the fixdate.pl [1]here (save target and RENAME IT!) 8. make a text file with lines: perl fixdate.pl >> C:\ET01\ETPRO\et01.log C:\ET01\ET.exe +set dedicated 2 +set net_port 27985 +exec Server.cfg +set fs_game etpro +set sv_punkbuster 1 (NOTE: second line is wrapped for readibility! it shouldn't be!) and save it: c:\et01\startet01.bat Or download the startet01.bat [2]here The server is setup, and can be started with the startet01.bat file. To install more ET servers on your server just copy all data from c:\et01 to a new map: c:\et02 Config your server.cfg with: set g_log "ET02.log" and rename your server name in server.cfg etc. etc. Config startet01.bat: perl fixdate.pl >> C:\ET02\ETPRO\et02.log C:\ET02\ET.exe +set dedicated 2 +set net_port 27986 +exec Server.cfg +set fs_game etpro +set sv_punkbuster 1 (NOTE: second line is wrapped for readibility! it shouldn't be!) and save it: c:\et02\startet02.bat The second server is setup, and can be started with the startet02.bat file. share dir's c:\et02\etpro (for the et02.log) and c:\et02\pb (for the sv_cheat.log) NOTE: When you host more ET servers on one single server check your CPU performance! example: PIII 500 Mhz XEON can host 18 slots MAX ---------------------------------------------------------------------- STATS WEBSERVER SETUP: 1. Install a webserver (Apache or use Windows) 2. Install Perl 3. Install ET STATS check readme file (by Vladi Shabanski) download [3]here 4. Make a text file with lines: xcopy \\IP.GAME.SERVER\etpro\et01.log c:\ /y xcopy \\IP.GAME.SERVER\pb\sv_cheat.log c:\ /y c:\perl\bin\ets_config.bat and save it: c:\ets01.bat Or download the ets01.bat [4]here 5. Make a text file with lines: set ETS_LOG_FILE=C:\ET01.log REM ETS_PB_FILE is optional, it is used to build hall of shame set ETS_PB_FILE=c:\sv_cheat.log REM SETS YOUR HTM DIR set ETS_OUTPUT_DIR=C:\Apache2\htdocs\ets set ETS_WEB_PREFIX= set ETS_WEB_DIR= REM export ETS_THEME=ets-light set ETS_SERVER="YOUR SERVER NAME ET SERVER STATS" REM export ETS_NAME_MAP=file REM export ETS_CLAN_MAP=file c:\perl\bin\ets.pl and save it: c:\perl\bin\ets_config.bat Or download the ets_config.bat [5]here Run ets01.bat to make your stats pages. (With a scheduler if you like) You can upload the pages to your hosting provider with a simple bat file like: Make a text file: open (your hosting ipadress here) loginname password cd ets/ (your dir to stats html) ascii mput c:\path_to_your_stats_html_files_here\*.html close quit and save it: c:\statsupload.txt Make a text file: call ftp -i -s:statsupload.txt and save it: c:\statsupload.bat Run statsupload.bat to upload your stats pages. (With a scheduler if you like) Good luck! References 0. http://www.klets.com/ets/etserversetup.htm 1. http://www.klets.com/ets/fixdate.plRENAME 2. http://www.klets.com/ets/startet01.bat 3. http://play.evrocom.net/cade/away/ets/ 4. http://www.klets.com/ets/ets01.bat 5. http://www.klets.com/ets/ets_config.bat