NAME ETS -- Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Statistics AUTHOR (c) Vladi Shabanski 2003 #ets SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION ETS reads Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory server logfile and produces static web site with statistics. You can use it to produce several logfiles from different servers as long as you keep output directory different for each server/logfile. ETS-RT tracks server console log file and maintains run-time statistics (both in-game and web stats). It acts also as in-game bot and can perform various rcon commands. ETS-MB gathers global statistics for all running servers. Most important information is popularity (player loads, maps, etc.). All tools described here require Perl (see REFERENCES below) INSTALL Actually there is no real install procedure. There are just few steps you should follow: 1. extract ets-nnnnnn.tar.gz package copy and ets_lib (directory!) to the location where you will run ETS from. 1a. check ets_lib/html_inc dir if you want to edit html templates. 2. create file with environment config you need (see ENVIRONMENT CONFIG section in this document) 3. create web-visible directory and copy recursively content of `themes' directory into it (not the themes-folder itself!). 4a. start without any arguments, i.e. something like: That's all, usually ETS should be attached to crontab jobs but you can also run it manually. 4b. if you are using environment config described below, you should do something like: # UNIX/bash: . ets_config # DOS/Windows: ets_config.bat 5. if you want to use you have to create environment config (see ETS-RT ENVIRONMENT CONFIG section in this document) and then run '' script. (note that will not exit as but will continue to work until you stop it!) 6. if you use ETS-RT for online web stats, you need to copy some screenshots from the game to `$OUTPUT_DIR/screenshots'. screenshots are the same that ET produces when you hit the screenshot key. ets package has some screenshots ready for this including special 'no-screenshot.jpg' file which is shown when no screen is found for the current map. more screenshots can be found here: NOTE: screenshots on the web page are limited to 400x300 pixels, so you better shrink your screens before put them on the web, so they will be smaller for users to download! More screenshots sized 400x300 with fixed gamma can be found here: ENVIRONMENT CONFIG ETS is configured with environment variables. ETS_LIB=/path/to/ets_lib usually you don't have to set this one. will look for it at the location is installed. however if you need to move ets_lib to another location or automatic find doesn't work you'll need to set ETS_LIB manually! ETS_LOG_FILE=et_logfile this is source log file. this is required to be the "gamelog" it should look like this: (note: long lines cut) 7:41 Item: 1 item_health 7:41 Kill: 5 6 15: ^2USA-^5IceMan killed DOCTOR ROCKTER by MOD_FG42 7:43 Kill: 3 5 43: ^-^2-=BC=-^1d3Gr3a73t killed ^2USA-^5IceMan by MO 7:47 Kill: 1 4 9: ^(radko killed toko by MOD_MP40 7:52 Item: 1 weapon_mp40 8:13 Kill: 5 2 15: ^2USA-^5IceMan killed ^1Lg-^2aLieNs by MOD_FG42 8:17 ClientUserinfoChanged: 3 n\^-^2-=BC=-^1d3Gr3a73t\t\1\c\2\r\1... 8:18 sayteam: ^1Lg-^2aLieNs: are we Bv 8:19 Kill: 1 4 9: ^(radko killed toko by MOD_MP40 8:21 sayteam: ^1Lg-^2aLieNs: BC 8:22 ClientUserinfoChanged: 7 n\^2[LUD]^1demented\t\3\c\0\r\0\m\... 8:22 ClientBegin: 7 8:26 sayteam: ^1Lg-^2aLieNs: samo za exp igrae6 8:31 ClientBegin: 7 8:43 WeaponStats: 4 0 2097240 0 0 0 2 0 2 33 0 0 0 8 56 0 0 ... 8:43 ClientDisconnect: 4 8:53 Kill: 0 2 10: Go6ko killed ^1Lg-^2aLieNs by MOD_THOMPSON 8:53 Kill: 7 6 10: ^2[LUD]^1demented killed DOCTOR ROCKTER by MOD_TH 8:58 ClientUserinfoChanged: 5 n\^2USA-^5IceMan\t\2\c\4\r\1\m\... 9:00 Kill: 3 5 43: ^-^2-=BC=-^1d3Gr3a73t killed ^2USA-^5IceMan by MO 9:00 ClientConnect: 4 9:00 Kill: 1 7 9: ^(radko killed ^2[LUD]^1demented by MOD_MP40 9:01 Item: 1 item_health 9:01 Item: 1 item_health NOTE: this is mandatory for ETS! to enable this log you need this option set in your server: g_log "games.log" ETS_CON_FILE=et_console_logfile this is source console log file. this is the "console log" it should look like this: (note: long lines cut) ^3PunkBuster Server: New Connection (slot #16) ^3PunkBuster Server: Player GUID Computed d1732c83453453452fcb3a3 Userinfo: \cg_etVersion\ET Pro, ET 2.56\cg_uinfo\621 0 30\g_passw ClientUserinfoChanged: 15 n\^1RESIDENT ^0VALBO\t\3\c\0\r\0\m\0000 voice: ^2The^0X^2Files^x*^1Mulder iamcovertops ^0-^1i^x*am*^2cove etpro IAC: 15 GUID [CEC5EA934534534534534534586833D4092947A0] [^1 saybuddy: ^yShades*^fFinish him !!!: slagam din [lof](^yShades*^fFinish him !!!^7) (D,3): slagam din Item: 10 item_health Kill: 0 13 17: ETPlayer killed ^yShades*^fFinish him !!! by MOD_P Item: 9 weapon_magicammo Item: 10 item_health Item: 10 item_health saybuddy: ^yShades*^fFinish him !!!: ne [lof](^yShades*^fFinish him !!!^7) (D,3): ne Kill: 1 9 1: ^2[RIO]^1K^tOCbO killed ^h@dTa^0->^1Jason^5Din^1Alt Kill: 7 4 9: ^0Hard^7Tastic killed ^1/S.W.A.T/^2C.Solo by MOD_MP4 Kill: 13 1 10: ^yShades*^fFinish him !!! killed ^2[RIO]^1K^tOCbO voice: ^yShades*^fFinish him !!! Medic Kill: 0 13 17: ETPlayer killed ^yShades*^fFinish him !!! by MOD_P Item: 7 item_health Setting Axis autospawn to West Bunker Setting Allied autospawn to Allied West Beach Client 35 connecting with 300 challenge ping Setting Axis autospawn to Axis Main Bunker Setting Allied autospawn to West Bunker Item: 7 item_health even though both logs seems the same, they hold different information! NOTE: this is optional for ETS but is mandatory for ETS-RT! to enable this log you need this option set in your server: logfile "3" ETS_OUTPUT_DIR=output_dir directory where output files will be stored, usually this points web-visible directory ETS_WEB_PREFIX=web_location_prefix this is web-visible location prefix of ETS_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, usually this is empty! Only use this if you call the stats page from another environment e.g. postnuke. Then add the calling page (see sample_config_postnuke for an example) to this var (e.g. htmlloader.php or PostWrap-Module). (used as href=... prefix) ETS_WEB_DIR=web_dir this is web location/dir which contains themes, if you use ETS_WEB_PREFIX, you probably should make ETS_WEB_DIR absolute, otherwise it may be relative or even empty. (this is used to address images and css files) ETS_THEME=theme this is theme to be used (images and css styles), used if no 3rd argument given to ETS, defaults to `ets-default' (used to access images and css files, it is concatenated to ETS_WEB_DIR during run time) ETS_SERVER=text this is default `hello' message (placed on top of each page) ETS_NAME_MAP=file file is list with nick=nick map lines, it is used to merge several nicks to one, example: vladi=cade it_is_me=cade so `vladi' and `it_is_me' nicks will be considered aliases to cade ETS_CLAN_MAP=file this is used to specify manually wich players belong to a clan, example: cade=[ETS] it_is_someone=[ETS] now `cade' and `it_is_someone' are considered ETS clan members. NOTE: if ETS_CLAN_MAP is used, automatic clan recognition is off! ETS_CLAN_MAP_ONLY=1 if set to "1" or "YES" then only clan map file will be used for clan recognition (no automatic). ETS_COLOR_OVERRIDE=file Name of file with extra mapping of colors. Used for override some color for better readibility on backround. Example: 7=000000 override white to black, use on white backround ETS_TRANSLATION=file string translation table ETS_HEADER_FILE=file ETS_FOOTER_FILE=file User custom html header and footer file name. ETS_LAST_DAYS=days This is used to cut log file entries older than `days' days. Actually data before this threshold is just skipped. There is no modifications to the log file. With this option it is possible to make stats for last day, week or month. example: export ETS_LAST_DAYS=7 ./ this will make statistics for the last week (last 7 days, not since last monday/sunday!) ETS_MOTD_FILE=file content of this file is used as message of the day, i.e. header of the main page. this overrides default motd/welcome text. ETS_MOTD=text this text is used as message of the day (welcome note) and overrides the default text and ETS_MOTD_FILE! ETS_MIN_PLAYERS=number games with less than this number of players are ignored (default 4) ETS_FLOOR=number for some statistics only ETS_FLOOR number of top rows are shown. (default is 50) ETS_TOPS_FLOOR=number same as ETS_FLOOR but is used for "tops" page (default 15) ETS_SCORE_MIN=xp players who never reached this xp in single game are ignored (default 100, usually there is no reason to change this) ETS_XPWINS_DIFF minimum difference for xp wins theory calculation (default 20) ETS_WINS_MINXP minimum xp to calculate wins (default 200) ETS-RT ENVIRONMENT CONFIG ETS-RT is configured with environment variables. ETS_LIB=/path/to/ets_lib (same as in ETS) ETS_HERE=local_ip_address this must be set to the local ip address of the machine where ets-rt is running (usually this is the same machine as ET server) NOTE: this is mandatory, otherwise all rcon services will not work! ETS_CON_FILE=et_console_logfile (same as in ETS) NOTE: this is mandatory for ETS-RT! ETS_SERVER_IP=et_server_ip:port this is the ET server to which rcon commands will be send ETS_SERVER_PWD=et_server_rcon_password the rcon password of the ET server ETS_SEEN_FILE=file this is the seen database file, it is used by the in-game command: ?seen playername ets-rt will respond with the last timestamp when 'playername' was connected to this server ('playername' may be partial) ETS_QUOTES_FILE=quotes_file.txt this is optional quotations file, when issued in-game command ?word and 'word' is not recognised as command and/or query then this file will be searched for quote containing this 'word' and it will be printed inside the server. this is just for fun :) ETS_O_LOOP_TIME=loop_time_in_seconds this is the time that should elapse between online web statistics calculations (default is 60 seconds) NOTE: it won't be good idea to set this too low, it will just increase the rcon-load on the server! ETS_OUTPUT_DIR=output_dir (same as in ETS, shoul be given only if you want online web stats) ETS_REF_FILE=referees_table_file this file has this syntax: 9f797e990234534531230bafb92ffe96(-) nick1 9f7912390234534534540bafb92ffe96(-) nick2 ... players which are in this list can get referee status by issuing "!ref" command inside ET NOTE: only guids are used for now, 'nick' is only for info. NOTE: this works only with ETPro (see REFERENCES section) ETS_WEB_PREFIX=web_location_prefix ETS_WEB_DIR=web_dir ETS_THEME=theme ETS_XPWINS_DIFF (same as in ETS, all are optional) ETS-MB ENVIRONMENT CONFIG ETS-MB needs only few options: ETS_LIB=/path/to/ets_lib ETS_OUTPUT_DIR=output_dir ETS_FLOOR=number same as in ETS/ETS-RT. ETS-MB does not exchange information pages with ETS or ETS-RT, so it would be best to output into separated directory. HTML TEMPLATES ETS tools now use html templates. templates are html files with some 'special' words in. files are located inside 'ets_lib/html_inc' directory or you custom one. you can use multiple custom template directories by setting whitespace-separated list of directoryes to ETS_HTML_INC: export ETS_HTML_INC="/home/cade/ets_my /opt/ets_second" ETS will search all entries and will stop searching if found one. this list always ends with the 'ets_lib/html_inc' directory (which is either auto-located or taken from ETS_LIB which is described in the CONFIGURATION section above). special words recognised are: [#NAME] this will be replaced with the content of 'name.html' file from the inc dirs list. [$NAME] will be replaced with ETS internal variable or environment variable (first found is used) ETS-RT FEATURES ets-rt recognises the following commands (queries): ?best print current best spree and other scores ?seen nick search for 'nick' and print when the found player connected for the last time ?who nick search for the most popular nick of this one (kind of resolving) 'nick' as in ?seen can be partial. resolving is done by guid. ?text search for quote and print it (fun fun fun nothing more) !ref if your GUID is listed inside ETS_REF_FILE (see ETS-RT CONFIG above) and you use ETPro you will get referee status ETS-RT is still experimental, it works but is far from complete I'd be glad to have your ideas how to improve it, thanks! Demo page of what ets-rt online web stats looks like can be seen here: ETS-RT is stable but still has very small number of features, if you need more you may try etadmin_mod: I believe you can safely use both (etadmin_mod and ets-rt) on one server. HINTS ETS can attach events from the logfile to the real time. To achieve this ETS expects this line: 0:00 TIME:nnnnn on every restart of the server. `nnnnn' is the current unix time (seconds since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970). simple script would be: #!/bin/bash # suppose et.log is the name of the logfile echo " 0:00 TIME:`date +%s`" >> et.log # or perl -e 'print " 0:00 TIME:" . time() . "\n"' >> et.log etded.x86 etc. ... Note that `%s' is gnu extension to date(1) command. FAQ Q: I got this error: Can't locate in @INC ... What's wrong? A: ETS cannot find 'ets_lib' directory. Usually all ETS tools will search for it at the location where executable files are located. If for some reasons it still cannot be found you can try to use ETS_LIB (see CONFIGURATION section above) Q: What are `Ally' and `Axis' on the `last games' page? A: Those are shorts for `Allies XP' and `Axis XP'. This is final summary results reported by the game. Those XP points are not always equal to the sum of all players' xp in the game. Q: What is `TLH' on the `last games' page? A: `TLH' is short for `Time limit hit'. With this info you can figure who won the map if you know the map. Q: What is 'XP Wins Theory' on the `maps' page? A: This shows in percents games won by the team with more XP when the difference in teams XP is more than 20% i.e. this is probability for this statement to be true: 'If the difference between the teams XP is more than 20%, then the winner is the team with more XP.' Q: Why I have broken game timestamps with ETPro? A: ETPro has (a bit useless IMO) feature to log 'realtime' instead of server uptime as the original ET (well, quake). To fix this you have to disable 'realtime' with this ETPro option: b_logrealtimestamps 0 (default is 1) Please note: ETPro is great ET mod and I prefer to play on ETPro-enabled servers! Here is the official home page: Q: Why my screenshots at the online stats page are so dark? A: ET uses different gamma settings. Usually you need to rise the gamma of your screenshots to display on web pages. I usually set gamma to 2 but anything higher than 1.5 should be fine. (hint: search for 'levels'/'gamma' menu in you image manipulation prog) NOTES ETS overwrites all files in the destination directory every time. Usually this means that all files will be overwritten with the same content and new files will appear as the logfile grows. For this reason you may wish to cleanup (rm output-www-dir/*.html) on regular basis or if logfile is reset. DEMOS ETS and ETS-RT: ETS-MB live site: SITES There are few sites wich you can check to see what ETS looks like. my demo site: (I use smal portion of real log file) and real ones: TJW: tjw site has various docs about dedicated et server setup and more... To see ETS running in a PostNuke-Environment check Metzel Territory: ETPro site: Plus Clan: (this site inspired the 'ets-red' theme) FEEDBACK You can contact author (me) with any notes you have. I'm usually online on freenode irc network in #ets channel. THANKS id Software Splash Damage All players at server and it's administrator REFERENCES Perl Programming Language ET Pro - The Enemy Territory Competition Mod etadmin_mod